
“Some of these recipes are original, and have been handed down from generation to generation—others are simply favorites with which the contributor delights her family and guests.”

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Baklava cut in half


Okra in Pan


Lamb Chop


Phyllo dough being brushed with butter



Hamburg vs Ground Beef

Throughout this cookbook, Hamburg is used for various recipes. While intuitively I know this refers to a ground beef, I decided to do some research on the difference between "hamburg" and "ground beef" back in the 1970s when this was published. But the Hamburg vs...

Meat Balls

Meat Balls

My grandmother included notes about not using mint leaves, substituting garlic salt and oregano instead. There are a few “staple” ingredients not listed in the ingredient list, which makes me wonder how common that will be in the cookbook. This recipe is not attributed to anyone.

Who is Ruth Fagerstrom?

This cookbook is almost fifty years old, so it makes sense that so many of the people can't be tracked down online. However, this quote--presumably--introduced the book, so you would assume it would be easy to track down the author. When the apron she does don, It's...


Who is Ruth Fagerstrom?

This cookbook is almost fifty years old, so it makes sense that so many of the people can't be tracked down online. However, this quote--presumably--introduced the book, so you would assume it would be easy to track down the author. When the apron she does don, It's...

The Classics